Pastoral Training

Many pastors in rural Africa lack basic theological training because most cannot afford the fees to attend school to obtain Theological education. As part of our Christian ministry, Christian Mission Aid identifies these passionate church and community leaders and conducts intensive Leadership Training courses, providing them spiritual knowledge and equipping and assisting them to enhance their ministries.

How You Can Help

There are many ways to help train and equip these pastors. You can help support the training cost as part of our Christian ministry. We train pastors through a four-year program. We do this to ensure they are properly equipped to spread the gospel across Africa. The size and rough terrain of Africa make it hard for pastors to reach people. The more pastors we can train, the further the Gospel can be spread and more people can come to Christ.



The journey to spread the Gospel can be gruelling and treacherous. Pastors often have to be away from their families for days at a time and spend their limited resources on transportation or traverse expansive rural areas on foot to evangelize and care for their congregations. Christian Mission Aid provides bicycles to these trained and dedicated pastors, easing their burden of walking in the hot sun and harsh terrain as they minister to their communities.


In East Africa, the journey to spread the Gospel can be grueling and treacherous. Pastors will often be away from their wives and children for days, spending limited resources on transportation or traversing expansive rural areas on foot to care for their congregations and to evangelize. Your gift will purchase the much-needed motorbikes for pastors to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as part of our Christian ministry.

Bible Resources

Audio Bibles

Many people in rural Africa are illiterate and rely on other people to read God’s word for them. Your gift will purchase audio bibles—solar-powered devices with vernacular recordings of the New Testament scriptures—that work miracles, making it possible for illiterate people to directly hear the life-changing Word of God in their own languages as part of our Christian ministry.

Tribal Bibles

Most rural African churches suffer from a severe shortage of Bibles, especially in their own languages. Without direction from the powerful Word of God, these Christians are at a grave spiritual disadvantage. Recognizing this, Christian Mission Aid provides vernacular (tribal language) Bibles to our trained pastors and church leaders in some of the most remote least reached regions of East Africa ensuring sufficient access to the Word of God.


To help train and equip more pastors in Africa.


Many Kenyan school going girls cannot afford sanitary items, and as a result, miss class every year due to their menstrual cycles. School absence lowers girls’ academic performance and self-esteem and widens gender disparities. Through Christian Mission Aid’s Smart Girl program, adolescent girls are provided with educational lectures, counselling and sanitary kits, giving them a better understanding and confidence of who they are and allowing them to stay in school. Young adolescent boys are also provided with lectures and education on pear pressure, drugs, character building, health, sexual matters and proper behavior in relationships. All education and counselling on based on Christian principles.