Make a charitable donation to MAKE A DIFFERENCE to needy people in East Africa.
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About Christian Mission Aid (CMA)
CMA is a non-profit organization dependent on donor support to carry out our programs in Africa. We identify the spiritual and socio-economic needs of marginalised people and endeavour to meet them through the gifts you so graciously give.
Give with Confidence
We are committed to astute stewardship and optimally use your gifts where they are most needed. We focus the funds to programs that meet the needs of the people.
You can view the USA catalog for the gift items below:
Please select your country here to be taken to the appropriate secure donation form. Once your gift has been received, we will acknowledge it by e-mail.
There is no minimum to what you can give. You can give any amount toward a specific need even if you cannot cover the full amount of that item. We greatly appreciate your generosity and the generosity of so many others that allows us to do Christ’s work.
All gifts over $10.00 will receive an income tax receipt.
Give by mail
United States
Christian Mission Aid
100 Pine Street Suite 105
Zeeland, MI 49464
501-c3 Tax Exempt Number: 47/0710130
CMAC Christian Mission Aid Canada
10 Staples Blvd Smiths Falls,
Ontario, Canada K7A 0B6
Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Registration Number: 87077 1508 RR0001
Christian Mission Aid
Nachu Plaza, Kiambere Road, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 57351-00200
Nairobi, Kenya