Contact Us

Christian Mission Aid Offices

United States
Christian Mission Aid
100 Pine Street  Suite 105
Zeeland, MI  49464
501-c3 Tax Exempt Number: 47/0710130

CMAC Christian Mission Aid Canada
87 Weber Drive, Georgetown, Ontario L7C 1C5
Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Registration Number: 87077 1508 RR0001

Christian Mission Aid
Nachu Plaza, Kiambere Road, Upper Hill
P.O. Box, 57351 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya

Get in Touch

Phone: + 254 724 344 913
Nachu Plaza, Kiambere Road, Upper Hill
MONDAY - FRIDAY 08:00 - 16:30


Many Kenyan school going girls cannot afford sanitary items, and as a result, miss class every year due to their menstrual cycles. School absence lowers girls’ academic performance and self-esteem and widens gender disparities. Through Christian Mission Aid’s Smart Girl program, adolescent girls are provided with educational lectures, counselling and sanitary kits, giving them a better understanding and confidence of who they are and allowing them to stay in school. Young adolescent boys are also provided with lectures and education on pear pressure, drugs, character building, health, sexual matters and proper behavior in relationships. All education and counselling on based on Christian principles.