Vacation Bible School Christian Programs

Christian Mission Aid offers various Christian programs to ensure children in slum areas are engaged in healthy activities during school holidays. One such program is the Vacation Bible School (VBS), where they get an opportunity to hear and learn interesting Bible stories and lessons, do arts and crafts, learn new games and songs, and enjoy fun recreation with one another, all while being provided with healthy meals and snacks.

Smart Girls & Boys Christian Programs

Many Kenyan school-going girls cannot afford sanitary items, and as a result, miss class every month due to their menstrual cycles. School absence lowers girls’ academic performance and self-esteem and widens gender disparities. Through Christian Mission Aid’s Smart Girls program, adolescent girls are provided with educational lectures, counseling, and sanitary kits, giving them a better understanding and confidence in who they are and allowing them to stay in school. Young adolescent boys are also provided with lectures and education on peer pressure, drugs, character building, health, sexual matters, and proper behavior in relationships. All education and counseling are based on Christian principles, forming a core part of our Christian programs.

Youth Camps

Every year, Christian Mission Aid reaches out to disadvantaged youth in remote rural areas and the slums of Nairobi through its youth camps. They get an opportunity to come together in a healthy environment, learning more about Jesus Christ and his love for them, and to guide and mentor them to make good choices for their lives. We believe that by reaching the youth with the Gospel message, we can raise them up to become influential leaders, world changers, and history makers. These youth camps are essential components of our Christian programs.

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Many Kenyan school going girls cannot afford sanitary items, and as a result, miss class every year due to their menstrual cycles. School absence lowers girls’ academic performance and self-esteem and widens gender disparities. Through Christian Mission Aid’s Smart Girl program, adolescent girls are provided with educational lectures, counselling and sanitary kits, giving them a better understanding and confidence of who they are and allowing them to stay in school. Young adolescent boys are also provided with lectures and education on pear pressure, drugs, character building, health, sexual matters and proper behavior in relationships. All education and counselling on based on Christian principles.